Ten Years In, Fifty to Go…
We know – it’s only ten years and in the grand scheme of things ten years is but a blip on the radar – but in a band’s life, this is gold. We made it to ten years, which means we’ll make it to fifteen, and twenty and then, just like in our dreams of the future, we’ll be living in a condo together, wearing pantsuits and giving each other perms, yammering on about the good old days on tour.
What’s our secret? We get asked this question often and truthfully, we don’t know. We like each other, we take care of each other and we lift each other up as best we can. On the business side, we share the work load, we share songwriting credits and the weight of our successes and failures are shared 33.3%. Maybe that’s it. We’ve also listened to, and heeded good advice from bands who came before us, like the Arrogant Worms who told us: when you can afford it get your own hotel room on tour and you’ll last forever.
What’s changed in our lives over the past decade? Just a few minor things: we have more laugh lines, more stamps in our passports, better instruments, sciatic nerve issues from sitting in cars and on planes too much. Oh, and there are three children in our touring lives now. Caroline leads the pack with two little ones, with Sue in a close second with one little guy. Also, Kerri lives in Newfoundland now. And we all own houses. And we’re all hitched to great partners. Also, we’ve played in the neighbourhood of 850 shows, we’ve toured Australia, England, Scotland, Germany and Austria; we’ve toured extensively in the USA, and we’ve been allllllllllll over Canada. We never tire of returning to these places and plans are in the works for tours in late 2017 to the UK and Europe, and in early 2018, to Australia.
The Tenth Anniversary Tour: What started as a modest three-show run with stops in London, Toronto & Port Hope many moons ago, has now ballooned into an all out winter and Christmas themed production. We have a backing band of Merry Men: Steve Zsirai & Robbie Grunwald, and a whack of seasonal tunes, both familiar (and not) ready for stage. It’s a special show with stops at beautiful theatres and churches in Belleville, Ottawa, Detroit, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Guelph, Midland, London, La Salette and Cobourg. Full list of dates and ticket links are below. If your town isn’t on the list this year, just know we’re trying to make it so for next winter.
Tenth Anniversary Tour Dates
Nov 24. Belleville, ON – Empire Theatre – Tickets
Nov 25. Ottawa, ON – NAC – Tickets
Dec 2. Detroit, MI – Noel Night – Free
Dec 6. Regina, SK – The Artesian – Tickets
Dec 7. Saskatoon, SK – The Broadway Theatre – Tickets
Dec 9. Winnipeg, MB – The West End Cultural Centre – Tickets
Dec 10. Toronto, ON – Harbourfront Centre – Tickets
Dec 11. Toronto, ON – Harbourfront Centre – Tickets (Matinee)
Dec 14. Guelph, ON – Dublin St. United Church – Tickets
Dec 15. Midland, ON – Midland Cultural Centre – Tickets
Dec 16. London, ON – Aeolian Hall – SOLD OUT
Dec 17. La Salette, ON – Historic Church – Tickets
Dec 18. Cobourg, ON – Trinity United Church – Tickets
And then we breathe, and we flit away, to the city, to a nearby village, and to the Rock. And then we start again next year, recording a new album.
Kerri, Caroline & Sue